~ 時代國際英日韓語嚴格把關中外籍師資 A咖師資陣容帶你出頭天 ~
Jonathan A. B.A.(Hons), University of London, UK
- 10 years adult teaching experience in Taiwan, including 2 years part-time at Shih-Hsin(世新) University, 4 years with GYPT, a Theatre-in-Education company that uses interactive drama for educational purposes
- TESOL certificate
- Development of specialized academic skills More
Chris M. B.S., Missouri State University
- I have experience tutoring from a young age. I have always helped other people to understand difficult topics, everything from English to math. I taught foreign exchange students at my university and did private tutoring while living in South Korea. I have taught English as a foreign language ...
- Specialize in English Conversation More
James B. B.A.(Hons), University of Sussex, UK
- 8 years teaching students of all ages
and levels, most notably at Chengchi
(政治) University's Center for Public Business Administration, Taipei
- Specialize in Conversation, Business English, Grammar, Creative writing, composition and business correspondence More
- 8 years teaching students of all ages
Martin S.

國籍 英國 學歷 B.A., Oxford University, UK 教學經歷
- Over 5 years teaching experience from Elementary Level to University
- Former English Instructor at National Taiwan University and Shih Chien(實踐) University
- Former examiner of Cambridge IELTS test
- Former IELTS test examiner
- I highly appreciate Martin's inspiring method of teaching, and respect his broaden knowledge!
- Teacher's voice is so loud! He is friendly and humorous; I'll try my best in class!
- Martin老師幽默風趣,上課氣氛很High,不會無聊或打瞌睡!
- 永遠中氣十足、神采奕奕的Martin上課超級有活力!上他的課有趣,又可以學到很多準備考試的技巧!
- Martin Rocks! He gives us extra vocabulary and phases in class. And he always encourages us to practice speaking, I love him. ^^
Alain D.

學歷 B.A. (Psychology and Law)LLB (Law) from the University of Natal, South Afric 教學經歷
- Ten years' experience in the ESL industry: General English, Business English, ESP (Academic, Legal, Financial etc), IELTS and TOEIC test preparation.
- 講解仔細,使用簡單的單字片語深入簡出讓我們了解,很棒!
- 老師很認真很負責且會鼓勵學生思考,也會給考試小tip
- 老師對於口說的部份會給予建議及注意,我喜歡這樣沒有壓力的學習
- It is my first lesson of IELTS C, but it is really good! thank you
- 上了幾堂課,雅思分數小小的增進了一分,可以感受到老師是很厲害的老師,希望以後越來越好喔!
Chris M.

國籍 美國 學歷 B.S., Missouri State University 教學經歷 I have experience tutoring from a young age. I have always helped other people to understand difficult topics, everything from English to math. I taught foreign exchange students at my university and did private tutoring while living in South Korea. I have taught English as a foreign language at a private school in South Korea for nearly two years and continue to do it while living here in Taiwan. 專攻強項 English Conversation 學生推薦
- 詳細解釋深刻
- 非常棒,很用心
- 教得很好 thanks!
James B.

國籍 英國 學歷 B.A.(Hons), University of Sussex, UK 教學經歷
- 8 years teaching students of all ages and levels, most notably at Chengchi(政治) University's Center for Public Business Administration, Taipei
- James老師超級細心又幽默的,總是把課程教得很仔細又有趣,讓我很享受課程的每個環節!
- Everything is terrific!老師很幽默,上課輕鬆愉快,教學方式很活,容易引起學員興趣!Fantastic!
- James很活潑,解釋單字時很生動,激發我們的想像力,在文法的句型結構上,讓我們有多做練習的機會,仔細聽學生說話並隨時糾正。
- James很親切、很可愛、很用心!我們練習時會一組一組聽,糾正學生的文法或口誤,I like his teaching style!
- 我最喜歡James的發音!非常清楚,好聽又很有活力,而且還會補充英式美式發音和字彙的差異,讓我學到好多東西!
Peter M.

國籍 英國 學歷 B.A., University of Portsmouth, UK 教學經歷
- 4 years teaching experience
- Peter老師以很幽默的方式教學,一直鼓勵學生用英文溝通的方式,我很喜歡,這樣會讓我習慣用英文思考。
- 和學生有很多互動,讓students有公開發言的機會練習我的speaking。
- Teacher is cute and the lesson is very interesting. Peter is my favorite teacher!!!
Jonathan A.

國籍 英國 學歷 B.A.(Hons), University of London, UK 教學經歷
- 10 years adult teaching experience in Taiwan, including 2 years part-time at Shih-Hsin(世新) University, 4 years with GYPT, a Theatre-in-Education company that uses interactive drama for educational purposes
- TESOL certificate
- It's glad to learn in Jonathan's class. He teaches us to express well. He is a professional and interesting teacher. Thanks to have this teacher.
- 喜歡Jonathan老師可愛的笑容和用心的教學,總是營造出和樂的氣氛,讓我很快樂的學習!
- Jonathan always gives us clear explanation and techniques for the exam. He is a well-informed and talented teacher. That's why I love him.
- 第一次看到Jonathan老師就覺得他充滿藝術家的氣息,跟著老師的穩健、生動的教學步伐學習,他讓我知道用英文交流也是一門藝術!
- Jonathan is very funny and cute. I enjoy his class very much!
Rhett S.

國籍 美國 學歷 National Taiwan University MBA University of Wisconsin 教學經歷
- 10年以上成人美語教學經驗
- 經濟部財產局指定英文講師
- 熟悉英文文法
- 老師人很有趣,常會分享生活的點滴,還有教我們實用的生活用語
- 上課很輕鬆沒有壓力,而且老師長的很帥
- 老師很有耐心,有問題問他都很樂意解答
- 上課有很多機會可以練習對話
Sean P.

國籍 紐西蘭 學歷 Bachelor of Commerce in University of Otago(New Zealand) 教學經歷
- More than two years of IELTS / Business English language teaching experiences.
- 老師很用心!
- SEAN課程安排很活潑,SO COOL
- 有補充講義上課很互動認真教學
- 老師上課方式有趣,明確的告訴我們考試準備方式,讓我受益良多
- Sean is very cool. We all love Sean. Thanks for teaching.
- Interesting teacher! We like to be in his class.
Alex Z.

學歷 PhD in Digital Learning and Education, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- 8 years (Adults, University and High School Students)
- Cambridge CELTA
- Delta m1 & m2 teaching certificates
- 一開始上課會被老師戰鬥民族般的氣勢震攝住,但適應後覺得老師給的建議都很實際且切中要點,也會修正很細節的口說錯誤,很謝謝老師 =)
- Excellent teacher that helps studesnts a lot.
- Read and watch movies in English: even though you might not understand everything at first, it will get easier with time.
- Make mistakes: mistakes are a good way to learn and improve!
- Use mnemonics and other memory aids: by creating various memory links you will boost vocabulary retention.
- Look into word structure: prefixes, roots and suffixes are your friends.
Daniel W.

國籍 美國 學歷 B.A., San Francisco State University, US 教學經歷
- Over 3 years teaching students of all ages
- Daniel超棒的!補充好多生活化的單字片語,教得東西易懂且非常受用!
- Teacher Daniel is very funny and cool. He teaches very well!!
- 老師幽默風趣,上課內容豐富。樂於教學的態度,讓我覺得受益良多。
- Daniel老師活潑認真且很親切,上課氣氛很好且很high!Perfect!
- 教學氣氛生動,老師有問必答,課後的英文名言佳句讚!
Eddy H.

國籍 美國 學歷 B.A., University of California, Davis. 教學經歷
- over 13 years of experience in the education industry in Taiwan.
- 一轉眼時間就過了,這堂課過得好快,真希望可能延長時間,老師超棒!
- 互動多,而且容易跟同學打成一片,覺得上課很輕鬆愉快。
- So interesting, Eddy taught us many things he has experienced.
- He is very good at teaching, and enthusiastic.
- 老師的教學方式很輕鬆而且也很有發揮空間,增加了日常聊天的技能。
- 老師給我們很多說的機會且不會批評,good!!!
Danny T.

學歷 Major in English Language, Providence University
- Over 6 years teaching experience in teaching English conversation, GEPT and TOEIC
- 120 hour TEFL/TESOL certificate
- TOEIC: 985
Davin C.

學歷 Arizona State University
- Teaching English for more than 7 years
- TESOL Certificate
- Oxford
Marvin R.

學歷 PhD in Management, National Taipei University of Technology
IMBA, National Taipei University of Technology
National Chengchi University 教學經歷
IMBA, National Taipei University of Technology
National Chengchi University 教學經歷
- 10 years experience all over Taiwan
- All ages/levels from Elementary to High school, Business English and ESL classes for Adults and corporations