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Maybe you should… 也許你應該……

想要建議別人去做某件事情,你會使用「you should… 做某件事」這個句型。

不過在現實中,這樣的說法的語氣未免太過於直白而顯得不禮貌,所以實務上會在句子的開頭加上 Maybe 來使說話的口吻委婉一些,也就是「Maybe you should…」,這樣來表達自己純粹只是建議,沒有干涉對方的意思。

在多益考試簡短對話中,說話的一方常會使用這個句子來提出建議,例如建議延後開會時間、建議採取新的解決方式……等。should 後面的具體細節就是考試的重要資訊,題目會詢問這些細節。

Part 3 簡短對話

What does the man suggest the woman do?

  • Hi, Emily. I was looking over the project plan, and I noticed that we might be a bit short on time for the testing phase.
  • I was concerned about that too. We could ask the team to work overtime, but I’m not sure how they'll feel about it.
  • Yeah, overtime might not be the best solution. Maybe you should consider hiring temporary staff to help out.

What does the man suggest the woman do? 男士建議女士做什麼?

  • A. Revise the project timeline. 修改企劃時間表
  • B. Ask the team to work overtime. 要求團隊加班
  • C. Consider hiring temporary staff. 考慮僱用臨時員工
  • D. Talk to the project manager. 與企劃經理交談

I would rather than… 我寧願……而不願……

主詞 + would rather + 做某件事 + than 做另一件事

這個句型是主詞在「表示個人的喜好」,表示自己「較喜歡做某件事,而較不喜歡做另一件事」。這邊要特別注意的是,would ratherthan 後面都要接原形動詞。


Part 2 應答問題

Would you like to attend the conference next week? 你要參加下星期的會議嗎?

  • A. I would rather stay in the office than travel. 我寧願待在辦公室也不願去出差。
  • B. Yes, I'll book the tickets. 是的,我會訂票。
  • C. The conference is very popular. 會議很受歡迎。

I’m calling to… 我是打電話來……

當你打電話時,要告訴接電話的人你來電的目的,這時候就要說「I’m calling to… 做某件事」。


後面的動詞片語根據你打電話的目的而變化,比如:confirm 確認ask 詢問follow up 跟進……等等。


Part 3 簡短對話

Why did the woman call the man?

  • Hello, this is Monica from Allied Industries. I’m calling to confirm the delivery of our order that was supposed to arrive today.
    你好,我是Allied Industries的Monica。我打電話是要確認今天應該到達的訂單。
  • Hi, Monica. Yes, I see the order in our system. Unfortunately, there’s been a slight delay due to some issues at the shipping facility.
  • Oh, I see. Do you have an updated delivery time?
  • It looks like the order will arrive tomorrow morning instead. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.

Why did the woman call the man? 女子為什麼打電話給男子?

  • A. To place a new order 下新訂單
  • B. To confirm a delivery 確認交貨
  • C. To request a refund 要求退款
  • D. To change a delivery address 更改送貨地址

We’d better… 我們最好……

had better」是個片語,就是「最好(去做……)」的意思,後面要接原型動詞,表示最好去這麼做,含有「建議、警告、提醒、勸告」的意思,這是委婉地請對方去做某件事的說法。


Part 3 簡短對話

What does the man suggest they do?

  • Hi, Alice. I noticed that our inventory levels are getting low on some key items. Have you placed the new orders yet?
  • I was just about to do that. However, I realized that some of our suppliers are closed for the holidays.
  • Oh, that's a problem. We’d better find alternative suppliers who can deliver quickly.
  • I agree. I’ll start looking into other options right away.

What does the man suggest they do? 男人建議他們應該做什麼?

  • A. Place the order next week. 下週下訂單。
  • B. Postpone the order until the holiday is over. 推遲訂單直到假期結束。
  • C. Find new suppliers for their needs. 尋找新供應商滿足需求。
  • D. Increase their current orders. 增加他們目前的訂單。

I don’t think… 我不認為……

當你認為某件事情是否定的,例如:會議不在三點舉行、印表機無法正常運作、不能參加聚會…等等,你會使用「I don’t think… 我不認為……」後面接肯定的說法。

在多益考試應答問題中,這句話可能作為「不直接回答」的回應,因此考生在 Part 2 簡短應答在選擇答案的時候一定要考慮應答的上下文,選擇符合語境的答案,切忌不經思考就作答。

Part 2 應答問題

Is the meeting room available at 3:00 PM? 3:00 PM 會議室有空嗎?

  • A. I don’t think it is. 我不認為有空。
  • B. Yes, I’ll be there. 有,我會在那裡。
  • C. It’s on the second floor. 在二樓。

My understanding is… 就我的見解而言……



Part 3 簡短對話

What is the IT department proposing?

  • Hi, Lisa. Have you had a chance to review the proposal from the IT department?
  • Yes, I went through it this morning. My understanding is that they want to upgrade the server system by the end of the quarter.
  • That’s right. But I’m not sure if we have the budget for it yet.

What is the IT department proposing?  IT部門正在提議什麼?

  • A. To reduce the budget for the quarter. 減少本季度的預算。
  • B. To upgrade the server system. 升級伺服器系統。
  • C. To hire new staff members.  招聘新員工。
  • D. To extend the project deadline. 延長專案期限。

How about…? ……怎麼樣?


  • 它的後面可以接一個句子,例如,擬建議「改成下午三點再見面 (we meet at 3 p.m. instead)」,句子就是 How about we meet at 3 p.m. instead?
  • 如果是建議做某件事,那麼 How about 後面就要接名詞或動名詞,例如:How about going for a walk after dinner? (晚飯後去散步怎麼樣?)


How about 後面接的內容也是題目最常考的資訊,考生要邊聽邊記住這些關鍵資訊以正確答題。

Part 3 簡短對話

What does the man suggest starting with in the presentation?

  • Hi, Erik. We need to finalize the agenda for the client meeting next week. Do you have any updates on the presentation?
  • Yes, I’ve made some progress on it. How about we start with an overview of the current market trends?
  • That sounds like a good idea. We should also include some details about our new product line.

What does the man suggest starting with in the presentation? 男士建議在簡報的開頭介紹什麼?

  • A. An overview of market trends. 市場趨勢概覽
  • B. A new product demonstration. 新產品展示
  • C. A detailed financial report. 詳細的財務報告
  • D. A client introduction. 客戶介紹

Be supposed to… 應該是……

  • 當你認為某人或某件事應該怎麼樣時,就會使用這個句型,「Be supposed to」的語氣較委婉,表示預期的行為或責任,是不強制的建議。
  • 跟另外一個常用的英文單字「should 應該」比較起來,「should」語氣較強烈,表示強烈的建議或義務。

在多益考試的應答問題中,這句話有可能是作為「間接回答」的方式出現。因此,當考生在 Part 2 的簡短應答部分選擇答案時,一定要留意前後的上下文,選出符合情境的答案。別急著亂答,記得先想清楚再決定!

Part 2 應答問題

When is the report due? 報告的繳交期限是什麼時候?

  • A. It’s supposed to be submitted by Friday. 應該在周五之前繳交
  • B. I’ll finish it soon. 我很快就會完成
  • C. He said he will call you. 他說他會打給你